A Pipe Smoker’s Inquiry: How I Determine my Top 5 Lists

I must admit that I find this time of year both interesting and exciting, not only because of the holidays, but also because of the finality the calendar year brings.  And in the most unique circumstance, this closure prompts individuals and organizations to reflect upon the items, goods, and services most enjoyed over the course of our journey around the sun. 

Although we could question why the end of the year is utilized for such peculiar behavior, I would be regressive in this writing to entertain such inquiries.  Therefore, I will rejoin the conversation topic by stating how much I enjoy seeing and reading these Top 10, Top 25, Greatest of All Time, Best of Year, etc., lists.  Do these “expert” lists influence my own purchasing in any fashion?  Admittedly, sure.  However, I find it somewhat fun to entertain what others have found satisfying over the twelve-month time continuum.

With that being said, I too enjoy creating and contributing to this semi-absurd behavior with my own Top 5 Pipe Tobaccos, Top 5 Cigars, and My Favorite Things columns.  As a side note, if you haven’t read or seen my videos related to these topics, feel free to browse The Pipe Professor website, or visit The Pipe Professor YouTube channel for more content.  

As I currently work to narrow down my selections for each category, I figured it would be fun, to share with each of you, how I go about narrowing my top five choices and explain the process in a smidge greater detail.  Before beginning, I do want to preface that this is my method, and in no shape, form, or fashion do I consider it to be the best or most reliable.  Arguably, all of these lists and awards are no more than opinioned indexes of goods (in which some companies pay to ensure their name brand item appears on the lists).  Do note, that although I have had companies contact me regarding payment for review of their product(s), I have never been paid, or allowed the offer, to influence any of The Pipe Professor Top 5 lists/reviews. I always give my honest opinion.  

Now that we have discussed an overview, and attempted to examine the “why” of this unique pastime, let’s get into the details of how I pick my Top 5.  I came to the determination long ago that if I waited until the exact end of the year to determine my Top 5 lists, the tobaccos, cigars, and spirits that hit the market in late fall, early winter, were not given a fair “shake” as I had not been able to enjoy them throughout the year similar to other products.  Because of this fact, I now make October 31st, Halloween, the cut-off for allowing new tobaccos to be considered for the current year’s list.  To break it down further, any tobacco that is released in November or December becomes a part of the upcoming year’s contender list.  This allows me to enjoy the tobacco for more than a few weeks before making a final assessment.  Yes, there have been exceptions to this rule depending on specific circumstances, however, more often than not, I have a hard stop on adding new tobaccos for consideration after October.  What happens from here?  Great question, and I’m glad you are still interested in reading a piece about how this process works.  Seriously.  You are still reading?  Thank you!

From this point, I utilize the entire month of November, and approximately half of December, to smoke through the tobaccos and blends I found to be very enjoyable throughout the year.  If you keep up with The Pipe Professor rating scales, any tobacco or cigar that scores five pipes or boxes, is automatically placed in the Top 5 running by making the final December cut (more explanation to come).  Pipe tobacco blends and cigars that score four on the rating system (or 4.5 in some cases) are entered into the “first round” of elimination (November round).  These are the tobaccos I smoke first, with the goal of determining which are the best and could stand up to any five-star blends.  On most years there are only two or three blends, if that many, that will move on to the second round (this is a very tough competition – only the strong survive).  From there, I begin to smoke each blend on a rotating basis utilizing a cob, briar, and meerschaum pipes.  Over the course of approximately four weeks, each blend gets smoked a minimum of three times with five total bowls of each blend being the average.  As the blends are smoked in rotation, there are always a few that stand out from the rest of the pack, and easily make it into the top five.  However, as in years such as 2023, there have been several blends fighting for one or two spots in my Top 5 Pipe Tobaccos list (same for the cigars).  Here is a breakdown of the numbers from this year for reference:

Pipe Tobacco

Total # of different pipe tobacco blends smoked this year: 36

Total # that made the November cut: 11

Total # of pipe tobaccos that received a 5-star rating this past year: 4 

Total # of pipe tobaccos remaining at the start of December: 7

Note: three blends carried forward from the initial eleven in the first round – four automatically made the final round (five star rating) for a total of seven top five contenders.


Total # of cigars smoked this year: 137

Total # that made the November cut: 14

Total # of cigars that received a 5-star rating this past year: 6

Total # of cigars remaining at the start of December: 10 

Note: four cigars carried forward from the initial fourteen in the first round – six automatically made the final round (five star ratings) for a total of ten top 5 contenders. 

In order to clarify things further, if a tobacco blend or cigar received a 5-star rating during the year, it guarantees the product makes the final December cut. However, it does not automatically qualify it for a final Top 5 spot.  In fact, once the final smoking and elimination begins (December round), all previous ratings are disregarded, and the open assessment progress begins.  Secondly, although the final round for determination begins in December(*), the reality is it actually starts the weekend after Thanksgiving.  This allows breathing room in the calendar and more time for me to thoroughly narrow the lists.  

To provide some foreshadowing on this past year’s countdown, there were seven total pipe tobaccos that made the cut to December*.  Out of these seven tobaccos, three were a definite on the list, one was comfortable but not guaranteed, and the other three were all jockeying hard to ensure their name made the Top 5 Pipe Tobaccos of 2023.  If I were to attempt an explanation at the amusement and joy I get from having these blends “battle it out”, the readers of this writing would probably call for a psychoanalysis of my mental stability.  No fear, I only mildly answered and/or responded to myself when talking through ratings aloud.  

Traveling to the cigar side, we find the story to be a bit different from the pipe tobacco showdown.  For the cigars, there were only ten that made the cut into my December* finals.  This should let you know that although there were several really good cigars I smoked this year, a majority of them were just that…good…not great. Out of the 10 making the finals, only two had guaranteed spots on the Top 5 Cigars of 2023 list (spoiler – when the lists publish, they are cigars #1 and #2 of the year on the list) with eight others fighting it out to take the final three spots.  In all honesty, any of these eight cigars would be worthy to be on the list, however, at The Pipe Professor website, we put on the big boy britches and make the final cuts!  

There we have it.  Without going into extremes, this is the general process for how I determine my Top 5 Pipe Tobaccos and Top 5 Cigars each year.  Is it a flawless process?  Heck no.  Is it something I find fun to do each year?  Absolutely!  And, for those choosing to follow along, below is a schedule for when the lists will be released on The Pipe Professor website and YouTube channel.     

Top 5 Cigars of 2023: Friday, December 8th

Top 5 Pipe Tobaccos of 2023: Friday, December 15th

My Favorite Things 2023 Edition: Friday, December 22nd (The Pipe Professor website only)

Pipe, Cigars, and Tobacco New Year’s Resolutions: Friday, January 5th

That’s going to do it for this post.  Thank you sticking with it and I hope you will join me in the coming weeks as we celebrate the great gifts of 2023 and prepare ourselves for a vibrant start to a new year.  In the meantime, I hope each of you has a wonderfully fulfilling holiday season and don’t forget to slow down, simplify, and smoke a pipe (or cigar)!


Video explanation of the process can be found here: https://youtu.be/-4rwVhCbmbA?si=S85gUWkmpuIOBs8R

A Pipe Smoker’s Inquiry

The Beginning of the End

If you, like myself, are one of the many subscribers to Pipes and Tobaccos magazine, you were upset to recently learn that the Spring 2019 issue will be the last printed run of the publication. Without a doubt, this is very disheartening, and quite frankly, a huge loss to the pipe smoking community. Therefore, as inquiry driven pipe smokers, we must not only ask ourselves why options for pipe smoking literature/content are dwindling (and now virtually non-existent), but further, what can we do to help support the growth and sustainability of quality content related to this timeless hobby?  Warning: This article will focus on the pros and cons related to pipe smoking content and literature and be heavily laced with my own opinion regarding the subject.  Note – You have been warned.

Pipes & Tobacco Magazine

To help narrow the focus of this post, I would like to first address the question regarding why options for pipe smoking literature/content are dwindling.  In order to answer this inquiry, I would like to list some of my favorite options of consuming pipe smoking literature/content.  Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, rather, a few options and formats that I currently utilize.

YouTube Logo

YouTube– Let’s be honest.  If you are a pipe smoker and have not heard of the YouTube Pipe Community (YTPC), you have been living under a rock for the last decade.  In fact, I will confidently argue that this is one of, if not THE, main platform that a majority of pipe smokers use to seek out information, content, and updates related to the hobby.  When examining the growth and expansion of the pastime, I overwhelmingly feel YouTube has been a great asset to the pipe smoking hobby.  However, YouTube is a free, never-ending resource, and because of its open access and reach, it can sometimes be both unreliable and unfulfilling.  Before readers of this post begin writing hate letter to the old Pipe Professor, let me explain what I mean by unreliable and unfulfilling.

When examining the definition of unreliable, keen observers will note several descriptive adjectives used in the term’s definition such as; untrustworthy, not dependable, lacking in accuracy, and dishonest.  Due to the non-existent vetting, or examination of content on YouTube, anyone could begin making videos as part of the YTPC and claim to be an expert on the subject.  In fact, many individuals on YouTube, and in the YTPC, justify their expertise through the number of subscribers they accrue and/or the amount of views/likes/shares they receive on their videos.  I argue this to be not only misleading but a major sham regarding both the experience and expertise needed in the hobby.  Granted, there are several extremely knowledgeable pipe smokers that participate in the YTPC who help share intellect and information related to pipes and tobaccos.  However, not only are these individuals few and far between, they are greatly outnumbered, and in some instances overshadowed, by the less than desirable presenters, and mediocre content they upload.  This reality does in fact make the current YTPC unfulfilling.  Be upset if you want, the truth of it is most of the content uploaded as part of the YTPC has become boring and irrelevant (along with inaccurate).  In fact, as of recent, it could be argued that several presenters are more focused on who can hold the most give-a-ways (GAWs) or have the best prizes in GAWs. Again, no offense, but I personally didn’t participate in the YTPC to compete with other pipe smokers on who offers the most GAWs to gain subscribers, or tout about the prizes I offer. Undeniably, this supports my original opinion of unreliable and unfulfilling to be true.

What does the YTPC offer? Again, in my opinion, the YTPC is a great place for new pipe smokers to find ‘some’ accurate beginning pipe smoking information, and more importantly, make connections to other pipe smokers (be warned – not all of them are experts) in their local areas.  By and large, this unreliable format will continue to grow and become further unfulfilling, thus, prompting the question of, is it truly supporting the hobby or hurting it in the long run?

Podcast Logo

Podcasts– I find it both ironic and comical that there was a time in American history where the radio was the sole source for broadcasting information and entertainment.  Families would gather around the old juke box after dinner and listen to their favorite programing through pure audio means.  Now, half a century later, we find ourselves slowly gravitating back toward this format of entertainment.  Arguably, I feel podcasts have grown in popularity because of their compatibility and convivence.  We all live extremely busy lives that continue to be filled with work and responsibilities that cannot be avoided.  In my opinion, podcasts provide us with two unknowing benefits.  One, they are extremely convenient and can be enjoyed as we work our way through the busyness of life, and two, they indirectly create an opportunity for us to slow down and enjoy the simplicity of real, one-sided, conversation.  Similar to YouTube, most podcasts are free to listeners (again, the freeness is arguably a major reason people gravitate toward this option rather than a paid magazine subscription) and provide updated information and exposure to the pipe smoking hobby.  Unlike YouTube, the three pipe related podcasts I listen to are indeed considered reliable, as they focus on interviewing experts in the field of pipes and tobaccos to help create a knowledge and exposure to the hobby.

Forums and blogs logo

Social Media/Forums/Blogs– I will group these three together to save both time and energy as they are each worthy to note but frequently lack consistency and rigor.  Social media communities such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook provide the most updated information in small burst, however, do not offer the rigorous sustainability needed to maintain a quality foundation within the hobby.  More often than not, these social media outlets provide quick snapshots into the enjoy of the hobby by others.

There are indeed a number of pipe smoking forums available, that in all honesty, archive some great information and content related to pipes and tobacco.  In fact, if you are searching for a more reliable source for expert pipe smoking advice I would advise pipe smoker forums before YouTube. The only hold back regarding forums are the sometimes less than desirable assholes that post responses to questions and conversations.  There are several instances where forums will have self-proclaimed experts who feel the need to give their input on every single topic, regardless of relevance. This in itself is not a deal breaker for using most forums, however, can become a nuisance.

I will be the first to raise my hand when it comes to inconsistency with blog postings and updates.  There are more times than not as of late, where life outside of this hobby demands my attention.  And as most of you are aware, my family and friends take precedence over pipe smoking. My situation here at The Pipe Professor webpage is similar to many other pipe smoking bloggers and writers.  Life is busy, and consistent updates/post are not at the top of the list.  Again, there are several pipe and tobacco related blogs that provide high quality, accurate information and content.  However, the consistency in posting material tends to be a hindrance for several of these blogs.  Because of this, sustainability of quality content becomes an issue.

Bible and Briar

Print Publications– Without a doubt, this is the most dwindling of the four mediums I will discuss in this post.  I earnestly feel that print publications have two negative qualities that directly contribute to their dwindling categorization.  First, print publications typically cost money for the publisher and the consumer.  Second, they directly compete with the free, instantly updated online world we live in.  Example one being the currentPipes and Tobaccos magazine dilemma.  Similarly, publications such as The Pipe Collector, that is published by the North American Society of Pipe Collectors (NASPC), has an aging editorial board that has already posted a cry for help regarding the continuation of the publication.  By the way, I submitted all my membership renewal dues on time and still have not received a copy of The Pipe Collector since last October 2018. Anyone know what’s up with that? If we, as a young and upcoming community of pipe and tobacco enthusiasts, don’t look to take the reins on things such as this, we will quickly see the end of yet another pipe smoking resource.

Further related to print publications, books related to the hobby are not as numerous as once before. Maybe because of the slowly evolving nature of the hobby, maybe because of the time and cost associated with completing such a task.  Either way, I argue that most of the quality literature (books) about pipe smoking were printed outside of this past decade and furthermore, outside the turn of the century.

Now that all of that complaining it out of the way, lets focus on the second question posed above, “what can we do to help support the growth and sustainability of quality content related to this timeless hobby?”  Understandably, if this question had a simple answer, we would follow through with the solution and all sing ‘kumbaya.’  Unfortunately, the problem driving the question is loaded with multiple complications that will require either real change, or, an acceptance of the inevitable changes to come.

Man thinking Picture

In a YouTube video approximately 9 months ago (as I just bashed YouTube….) I posed a question regarding individual’s interest in contributing or subscribing to some sort of newsletter/publication, similar to that of the old Pipe Smoker’s Ephemeris by Tom Dunn [link to the video: https://youtu.be/ro2Anmksrfc] . The feedback I received regarding interest in a similar publication was very positive and forthcoming.  In fact, there have been multiple occasions where I have investigated the idea of facilitating such a project and would still be open to doing such, however, I would need some serious insight from those who have been successful at doing so, on how to create sustainability while keep outlying factors such as costs, low.  Let this be an open invite to anyone who can, and is, willing to share the business side of managing such a publication to contact me at your convenience.

Other options, in my opinion, would include having an already well establish company such as Ladisi (Smokingpipes.com), or Pipes and Cigars, take the reins in producing and overseeing such content as a magazine or book.  Similar to the statements above, due to the lack of interest and costly risks associated with a print publication focusing on Pipes and Tobacco, it may not make sense on the business side of things.  Ultimately, it may not support the growth of their already established companies and jeopardize their success.

Lastly, I propose that more pipe smokers and tobacco enthusiasts step up to the plate and participate in actionable conversations regarding solutions to problems such as the dismantlement of those things we love and enjoy (i.e, Pipes and Tobaccos magazine, McClelland Tobacco Company). By no means do I claim to have any or all of the answers.  Rather, I bring this subject to light in order to work with other pipe smokers, like yourself, to create and develop ideas on how to overcome and halt these reoccurring tragedies.  We must collaborate and brainstorm ways to sustain quality information, history, and wisdom related to this hobby, otherwise, we are indirectly accepting the consequences of negative change.

Einstien Pipe

In closing, I feel confident that I have accomplished one of two things in this post.  Either royally pissed some of you off with my opinions regarding viable options for pipe smoking content, or, created an avenue for you to truly digest the limited availability and quality of options available to real pipe smoking enthusiast.  If you are one of the former, not latter, feel free to keep your opinions to yourself (I know you have more than one).  If you truly want to be involved in entertaining a conversation of how to keep quality options and content available, light-up a bowl of your favorite blend and post a comment below.  For those wanting to go a step farther, please feel free to email me at thepipeprofessor@gmail.com.  I look forward to hearing from you on this subject and hope we can collaborate to find some viable solutions.

Don’t forget to slow down and simplify, cheers!

Dr. Kyle Andrew Signature


A Pipe Smoker’s Inquiry

A Few of My Favorite Things – 2018 Edition  

Favorite Things opening picture 2018 

The older I grow; the faster time goes.  It seems that each year starts and in the blink of an eye is gone.  Sure, there are days that seem longer than others, but in the end time flies.  Reflecting on this understanding, I find it crucial to remanence on those things that brought me happiness and joy during the small, quick amount of time known as 2018. Understandably, my family and health are among the top of the list, however, I do not feel either of those things need to be listed as they are considered a given.

Similar to last year’s post, there is no structure or method to this list, rather, just other hobbies I enjoy and things I find special.  I hope you enjoy this list and if given the opportunity, take advantage of some of my favorite things (including pipe smoking) that have shown me joy throughout 2018.


Favorite Beer of 2018

Blue Moon Harvest Pumpkin Wheat

Blue Moon Pumpkin Harvest Wheat Beer pic

Some of you very well may be disappointed by my choice, but this seasonal selection really hit the spot for me this year.  Undoubtedly, fall is my favorite season for beer selections.  There is something special about the pumpkin, wheat, cinnamon, spice, and molasses beer crafters manipulate in order to create these wonderful brews.  For me, Blue Moon Harvest Pumpkin Wheat was the perfect balance for my fall beer palate. Offering tastes of pumpkin, clove, malt, and nutmeg, this medium bodied amber ale will warm your insides while satisfying your autumnal palate’s cravings.  If continued in 2019, be sure to pick some up for yourself and enjoy as you watch the leaves turn and temperature change.


Favorite Spirit of 2018

Crown Royal Canadian Whiskey

Crown Royal pic

Maybe it’s a blast from the past, maybe it’s the comfort and familiarity I have with this spirit.  Either way, Crown Royal has drawn my interest more so than any other whiskey or bourbon this past year.  I recall drinking more than my fair share of this liquor during my undergraduate college days and coming back to it this past year was like visiting with a long-lost friend.  For me, this Canadian Whiskey is best enjoyed with a sweet ginger ale.  In fact, I like to call the mix a Canadian Ginger.  For those who may be interested, the recipe goes something like this:

  • Fill your favorite whiskey glass to the rim with large cubed ice
  • Pour 2 oz of Crown Royal slowly over the ice
  • Add 1 ½ oz of Ginger Ale to bring the mix to the rim of the glass
  • Stir lightly
  • Select your favorite cigar or pipe and tobacco
  • Put on a great jazz album
  • Sip, smoke, soak up the sounds, and enjoy

As long as you follow this recipe to the ‘t’, the outcome will yield positive results.  I promise!


Favorite Wine of 2018

Castillo de Monseran Garnacha

Castillo de Monseran wine pic

Originating in Cariñena, Aragon Spain this bold, full-bodied Garnacha satisfied time and time again over 2018.  Even during the warmer summer evenings, Castillo de Monseran proved to be both balanced and fulfilling.  The bouquet/nose from the glass is richly accented with garden fresh rose, vanilla, burnt woods, and spice.  Tasting notes evidenced sweet and sour berries, licorice, and dark chocolate flavors. Easily paired with a spaghetti/meat sauce dish, or favorite pizza, Castillo de Monseran Garnacha is an excellent wine at a very affordable price ($9.99 a bottle).


Favorite Board Game of 2018

This War of Mine

This War of Mine Board Game Pic

Originally released as a video game for all the major entertainment systems, This War of Mine has been adapted as a multi-player cooperative board game (everyone plays together against the game’s design).  Essentially, the city you live in has come under attack from an outside militia group causing a war to break out trapping several civilians in the city with no way of escape.  Your role is to survive in the city until the war ends with limited housing and basic resources.  The game design is so thorough, randomized, and detailed you could literally play the game 500 times and never have the same outcomes/scenarios.  In fact, I have played this game at least 40 times over the past year and never managed to beat it (survive until the end).  I have come very close on multiple occasions, however, due to the randomization of events, and shear bad luck, I have never beat the game. Believe it or not, I find this quality to be very appealing as the game is not a ‘shoe-in’ to beat it after only a couple of plays.  When purchasing and playing a board game, I want to be challenged.  Forcing myself to critically think and be more strategic is a quality I enjoy in gaming, which is exactly why This War of Mine is hands down my favorite board game of 2018.


Favorite Book of 2018

Twenty-Six Days: A Mystery of Victorian England by: Regis McCafferty

Twenty Six Days Book Cover Pic

Similar to many of you reading this, I am a huge fan of Sherlock Holmes and the Victorian England mystery novel genre in general.  Twenty-Six Days, written by a still living pipe smoker, Regis McCafferty (who’s also a NASPC member), follows the final case of McCafferty’s English pipe smoking detective Joshua Pitt.  Easily finished over the course of one day, Twenty-Six Days offers adequate suspense and intrigue coupled with plenty of pipe and tobacco related material (and a little love affair on the side).  In fact, I enjoy the novel more for the pipe and tobacco related content than the actual mystery trying to be solved.  If you are a fan of pipe smoking literature and mystery in an era long gone, you will enjoy Twenty-Six Days.  If nothing else, give it a read and support a fellow brother of the briar.


Favorite Music Album of 2018

Streamin’ with the Miles Davis Quintet (1989 Remaster)

Steamin with the Miles Davis Quintet Album cover pic

Not that I needed another hobby or interest, however, 2018 opened my eyes and ears to the world of vinyl. I recall my parents, during my childhood years, listening to records on our massive (at least at that time) stereo system, with full dual tape deck, AM/FM radio, and vinyl options.  Now, 30 years later, I find the oh so familiar sounds of vinyl a friendly welcome to my ears.

Being nowhere near the size of my tobacco cellar, I have now started my vinyl record collection which mainly consists of jazz, swing standards, and orchestral selections.  One such album that really caught my attention was Steamin’ with the Mile Davis Quintet.  I find the album to have the perfect balance of upbeat improvisation and dramatic late-night classic swing.  From start to finish, this album takes me back to an era when swing was king and talent superseded fame and fortune.


Favorite Cigar of 2018

Cohiba Behike 54 (MES JUL 11)

Cohiba Behike 54

For those who actually read My Favorite Things 2017 list, you will note the final category in 2017 was Favorite TV Show.  Believe it or not, I have virtually cut television out of my life over the past year.  No, I had no intent or goal of making such a change in my life, however, having four children, full time job, and other interests, there really is no time for television in my schedule.  What have I learned?  I don’t miss it.  In fact, I’m not sure why people revolve their schedules around certain TV shows??? If you are one of those people that’s fine, I’ve just found more joy in other things this year.  Therefore, I wanted to share something I have enjoyed during 2018 and have for several years, cigars.

I do manage to smoke a fair number of cigars during the year and have an extensive collection aging for future enjoyment.  Similar to my pipes and tobaccos, cigars have their own place in my heart and can offer pure moments of relaxation and bliss to the seasoned aficionado.  This year, my favorite cigar was unquestionably the Cohiba Behike 54.  I know, those of you who are knowledgeable about cigars are complaining that this cigar is not a mass market/readily available smoke. Even in countries that legally sell Cuban cigars, the Cohiba Behike line is a difficult and expensive find.  I managed to pick a box of these glory sticks up (they come in boxes of 10) in 2010 before the mass market hiatus began.  Delivering a sweet, creamy, smooth smoke with tastes of light grass/hay, nougat, vanilla, and fresh coffee this cigar is a true masterpiece.  I understand why they cannot be found in stock and when they are, the price tag is extraordinary.  If you are ever afforded the opportunity to smoke a Cohiba Behike do not pass it up. These cigars truly are special.

Father Time Picture

Thanks again for taking the time to stop by The Pipe Professor webpage.  Stay tuned for my Top 5 Pipe Tobaccos of 2018 in the coming weeks along with the mystery tobacco review for December 2018.  As always, cheers to a happy and successful 2019!

Dr. Kyle Andrew Signature

A Pipe Smoker’s Inquiry

Recap of My First Pipe Show

In August of this year, I wrote about preparing for my first pipe show and explained both my excitement and worry regarding what to expect.  Although two months have passed since my trip, I would still like to take a moment to recap and share my experience with each of you.

Show Recap #1

The North American Society of Pipe Collectors (NASPC) hosts their annual Pipe and Tobacco trade show exposition each year in Dublin, Ohio.  Although I have been a member of the NASPC for several years, my schedule has never allowed me to attend one of their trade shows until this year.  I have read and viewed many other fellow pipe smoker’s pipe show experiences, however, wanted to see what all the excitement was about for myself.  In fact, I would like to revisit the original four questions/concerns I posed in my last post and also address some other things I learned during my excursion.

Show Recap #2

I can now state that one of the many joys of a pipe show is the viewing, selling, and trading of pipes, tobaccos, and pipe smoking related materials.  As I had only minor intentions of selling any pipes from my own collection, and figured I would more than likely purchase at least one pipe at the show, I was unsure as to how many pipes I should take with me to the expo. In fact, the question I posed in my original post was “How many pipes should I take with me?”  I ended up taking eight pipes to the show and believe it or not, did not purchase any pipes while at the show.  No doubt, there were several that called my name.  However, at the end of the day, I was more interested in the aged and rare tobaccos I was finding.  Understanding that I only participated in the show on Saturday (I showed up too late on Friday night and had hotel room issues-this is an entirely different story), eight pipes proved to be too many for my show smoking experience.  In fact, I probably could have done with just four pipes for the one day.

Show Recap #7

I will do a separate post in the future, here at thepipeprofessor.com, to discuss what I use to travel with my pipes, along with my everyday pipe and tobacco carry.

My next question had to do with tobacco.  Obviously, I knew there would be tobacco for sale at the show, but was unsure as to “How much tobacco should I bring with me?” What truly prompted this question is my uncertainty as to how much time I would be viewing vendors and items vs how much time I would be smoking and conversing with other pipe enthusiast.  I ended up packing 12 different tobaccos to smoke and share, one of which being a tin of Butera’s Dark Stoved from 1998. At this time, let me go on record by saying this was too many tobaccos for a single day.  Admittingly, I smoked more of the tobacco I purchased at the show than those I brought with me.  There is certainly a greater excitement of opening an aged, rare tin of tobacco purchased at the show than smoking tobacco I have access to at my home.

Show Recap #5

One of the rare, aged tins I am referring to is McClelland’s Anniversary from September 2001. I was able to acquire two 100g tins of this blend for $35 a piece.  Even better than the steal of a price on this aged and out of production brand was the opportunity to share the tobacco with a long time YouTube/innerweb friend, Mr. Brian Doran.  In case you are unaware, Brian Doran is an outstanding pipe maker from West Virginia who is well known in the You Tube Pipe Community (YTPC) for his tobacco and bourbon reviews (his YouTube handle is Beans316).  I have passed messages with Brian for several years and was finally able to meet up with him at this year’s show.  It goes without saying that Brian is truly a stand-up individual and I am happy to call him a friend.  Together, we cracked open the 17-year-old McClelland blend and enjoyed it with another new-found friend, Jim (you can find out more about Jim by watching Brian’s YouTube video here.)  Jim is another outstanding pipe smoker and I’m glad I was able to meet him.

Show Recap #4

Again, I did have a few pipes I was looking to part ways with but did not solely go to the pipe show with the intent of selling these pipes.  In fact, the third question I asked in my previous post was “If I have pipes I want to sell or trade can I do so?” Without a doubt the answer to this question is yes.  Although I could have spent part of my day haggling with pipe retailers at various tables, I much preferred to browse and socialize with others pipe enthusiast than make a few bucks.  In fact, if you intend to sell some pipes at a show I would advise you to either a.) purchase a vendor table and sell outright to the attendees, or b.) line up a buyer or interested party before the event who you could sell to in person while attending the show.

My final question was one that I was the most uncertain of as I prepared for the trip “How do you determine a budget for the show?”  Somewhere along the line someone shared the valuable knowledge with me to only taking the exact amount of cash (my budget) with me to the show.  Well, this is the precise advice I followed and the exact advice I pass on to anyone preparing to attend a pipe show.  Knowing from personal experience the real and true struggles of Pipe Acquisition Disorder (PAD) and Tobacco Acquisition Disorder (TAD), setting a budget through the use of a predetermined amount of cash is a very helpful PAD and TAD defense mechanism.  If fact, as I stated earlier, I ended up not purchasing a pipe at the show due to my indecisive nature and exploratory thinking of “what if I spend all my cash and find something else I really love?”  This mantra helped to keep my impulse buying under control, thus, allowing for my focus to remain of rare tobaccos and interesting pipe smoking paraphernalia.  The picture below shows my entire haul from the show.

Show Recap #6

Keen observers will note the almost exclusive lot of McClelland tobacco as their product lines are no longer in production and finding the blends at reasonable prices is becoming more and more difficult.  I also picked up a tin of the NASPC 2018 Dragon Weed.  Each year the NASPC creates an exclusive yearly blend with a theme that spotlights the famous Lord of the Rings stories.  This year’s blend was created and produced by G.L. Pease and according to the tin description has a ‘mysterious make-up’.  We will have to wait a few years to find out if this was a good purchase or not as I do not plan to open and sample the tobacco immediately.

I also made it a point to search out and find a copy of the late Bill Unger’s Individual as a Trumbprint: The Custom-Bilt Pipe Story which is an in-depth overview detailing the history of the Custom-Bilt pipe brand. I have been in search of this book for some time and was able to easily locate it at this year’s show for only $20.  Lastly, the Scandinavian Tobacco Group was handing out free metal pipe stands and Czech tools.  I found this to be very kind and was able to pick up a couple of each.

Show Recap #3

There you have it.  My first pipe show summed up in less than 1500 words.  All in all, I had an excellent time and will certainly be making this show a yearly event. In fact, I am already beginning to weigh the options of traveling to a few more shows within driving range in the upcoming year.  The people, pipes, tobacco, and camaraderie are well worth it and for those who have never attended a show I highly recommend you give it a shot.  If you have been to a show in recent years, or have experiences similar (or different) to mine, feel free to leave a comment below.  Your opinions and insights are always valued and welcomed here at thepipeprofessor.com.

Until next time, cheers!

Dr. Kyle Andrew Signature


A Pipe Smoker’s Inquiry

Preparing for My First Pipe Show

One week from today I will be doing something I have never done before as a pipe smoking enthusiast.  If you guessed attend a pipe show, you would be correct.  I will be attending the North American Society of Pipe Collectors (NASPC) annual pipe show in Dublin, Ohio next weekend, and yes, it will indeed be my first pipe show experience (que audience gasps).


I have been a member of the NASPC for over 5 years now and enjoy reading and contributing to their bi-monthly newsletter entitled The Pipe Collector.  In fact, in my humble opinion, it is the closest current publication to the long-lost Pipe Smoker’s Ephemeris.  This timeless publication, produced by the late Tom Dunn, was a quarterly print that allowed members of the world-wide snail mail pipe club to contribute pipe and tobacco related material for publication in a newsletter.  Several of these quarterly newsletters were hundreds of pages long and can still be found for sale on eBay and other collector websites.  As stated early, much of the content in the Pipe Smoker’s Ephemeris newsletters was valuable information and stories regarding pipe smoking from a generation of individuals who lived the true pipe smoking lifestyle. Nevertheless, if you have not heard of, or are not a member of, the NASPC you are certainly missing out.  And with membership dues being only $10 per year (this gives you electronic access to The Pipe Collector newsletter) you can’t beat the value this offer holds.  For more information on the NASPC and membership options visit their webpage at: http://www.naspc.org

Over the years, I’ve read and followed several other pipe smokers and their attendance to the various pipe and tobacciana shows around the world.  Each story of these tobacco and pipe related excursions has done nothing but peak my interest and innermost desire for adventure to what I can only imagine as a Heaven on Earth encounter.  However, I must admit that my mind is running ramped with questions and concerns in preparation for my first every pipe show trip.  Therefore, I feel the best way to focus my thoughts and concerns is through sharing them with you.  Any insight and/or advice from those of you who have participated in a pipe show is very much welcomed and appreciated.  The following are some of my concerns for the upcoming weekend.

Q:  How many pipes should I take with me?

Pipe Collection Pic

For some people this may seem like a simple problem with a simple solution.  However, my mind continues to over analyze and question itself. To narrow the question even further, how many pipes should I carry on my persons during/at the show?  As far as I know, smoking is indeed allowed at the show and I guarantee I will want to partake with other brothers of the briar. So, how many pipes should I take and how many should I carry while at the actual show?

Q:  How much tobacco should I bring with me?

Pipe Tobacco Collection Pic

Again, for some of the more veteran show goers, this may seem to be a simple question, but remember, I’m a newbie at this.  I have several pipe pouches I intended to fill with my favorite blends, but should I also dig into the depths of my cellar to bring some unopened aged tobaccos? Is it weird to carry around a bag with unopened tins of rare tobaccos to share with others?  I’m assuming there will be tobacco vendors on-site selling a wide variety of hand crafted blends, but should I still bring my own and if so, how much?

Q:  If I have pipes I want to sell or trade can I do so?

Pipe Show Picture

There are indeed a few pipes I am looking to part ways with.  Although I typically put pipes I am ready to relinquish on eBay for auction, would it be frowned upon if I took them to sell or trade?  Further, how do I go about doing so?  Are vendors open to trade or are they only looking to sell the pipes they have for cash?  How do you know if they are open to buying or trading?

Q:  How do you determine a budget for the show?

Money Pic

Yes, I have already found quite a bit of advice related to pipe show budgeting such as only using cash (this will help you stay within your budget range and once you’re out of money you can’t buy anything else).  However, what should this amount really be?  I reflect on my current collection and think “do I reallyneed another pipe?” and the answer is no. But this is my first pipe show and I would really like to get at least one pipe to mark the occasion.  Also, can I expect to get a better deal on pipes for sale at the show or is it the same deals I find online, I just get to look and feel the pipe before purchasing?

Please know these four questions are only a fraction of the conversation in my mind but I want to ensure this is a memorable experience and that I don’t look/act like a complete moron at the show. No matter what, I will be surrounded by other people who enjoy the hobby of pipes and tobaccos just as much as myself and that has to count for something.

If you plan on attending the upcoming NASPC show send me a message through this webpage or via email and maybe we could meet up to share a bowl.  I will certainly report back with pictures and stories in the upcoming weeks and look forward to sharing my first pipe show experience with all of you.  Until then, be well.


Dr. Kyle Andrew Signature

A Pipe Smoker’s Inquiry

Pipes and Paintings

I’ve always had a very keen interest in art, especially paintings.  With my personal artistic background focusing more on the music discipline rather than a visual art specialty, I have always envied those that have the natural ability to paint, draw, and sculpt.  No secret here, I can’t draw or paint…  However, this does not negatively influence my love and appreciation for great art, more specifically, historical works from centuries past.  And for me, there is no better way to take the time for analysis and appreciate of a historical masterpiece than with a great pipe and tobacco.  I love intentionally planning moments to examine fine masterpieces of the past and do so by letting my imagination drift in tandem to the artist’s brush strokes, all the while, accompanying my imaginative playground with the wonderfully aromatic clouds of smoke as they drift into the heavens above.  Essentially, that is what this segment, Pipes and Paintings, will focus on.  My annotations, stories, questions, and thoughts related to paintings and artworks of days gone by.  I hope you enjoy, as I share a small part of my imagination and love, for both pipes and paintings, with those of you willing to adventure into the vast mind of a fellow pipe smoker.

Smokers in a Turkish Coffee House

Painting by: Joseph Nash (1809 – 1878)

Smokers in a Turkish Coffee House Open

I always love people in paintings.  When done well, each carries their own unique personality and identity that either helps or hinders the story being communicated. Smokers in a Turkish Coffee Houseis a prime example of how an artist can utilize facial expressions and focus to communicate a story.  Before we go any further into facial communications of the artwork I must point out the monkey in the room.  What am I referring to you may ask?  Obviously, it’s the oversized churchwarden pipe held by the gentleman wearing the dark clothing in the front right portion of the painting.

Smokers in a Turkish Coffee House Pic 1

I mean, my lord! There are several questions as to the actual functionality of that smoking implement.  First, how the hell does one light a pipe that large (assholes are saying, “with a match”)?  I understand that practice used to be one of the owners/proprietors of the establishment typically would keep a customer’s pipe lit throughout their visit.  But what if this individual was busy and your pipe continued to go out?  Or, what if this extraordinarily long tavern churchwarden pipe belongs to the gentleman in the dark clothing…. how would he light it at home?  Further, what type of draw do you think the pipe has?  Cigar aficionado’s love to boast about the tight draws that most Cuban cigars have.  Well, let me chime in a moment, Havana lovers.  You haven’t experienced a tight draw until you have smoked the above pictured behemoth of a pipe.  Anyway, I digress.  Back to the story being communicated by the characters in the painting.

Several expressions indicate that whatever the gentleman (red circle) is saying, or has said, is not liked by the ‘regulars’ (blue circles).

Smokers in a Turkish Coffee House Pic 2

I use the adjective ‘regulars’ as both the grouping of individuals in the full-scale work, and the use of a hookah, indicates to me these people are friends or acquaintances. Further, the positioning and lighter colors/shades of the messenger (man with a red circle) indirectly confirm his status to be an outsider.  Quite possibly, the men are discussing politics?  Maybe the guest gentleman (red circle) has come in and made comments about an ugly female tavern winch he encountered earlier in the day.  It just so happens, the winch in which he is detailing is the wife of the white turban hookah smoker in the front.  I image the conversation to be as follows:

Red Circle Man: “Wow gentlemen!  Have I had a most unusual experience with the most absolutely horrifying woman I’ve ever encountered.  I mean, seriously fellas, telling this lady she was ugly would be a compliment.”

The gentleman’s comments draw some chuckles from individuals around the room.  Some of the patrons continue minding their own business and conversations while a few have now turned their attention to the newcomer. 

Long Churchwarden fellow: “I beg, who is this you speak of and where did you meet her?  I can assure you, not one of us wishes to fall ill to this terrifying woman you describe.”

Turning his body to address not only the individual who asked the question, but the entire room, the foreigner continues his tale through the wafting clouds of aromatic smoke filling the room.  Now with several individuals paying attention the man speaks in a louder and fuller voice.

Red Circle Man: “Ah, yes!  I will gladly disclose my encounter to you as I would not wish this beast of a creature on the worst of my enemies.”

He takes a long draw from his tavern churchwarden before continuing.

Red Circle Man: “You see friend, I am currently lodging at the Iron Rose Inn, however, found myself at the Pewter Pot Tavern last evening for a drink and possible a turn at the dice tables.  Aside from a good pipe and tobacco, I’ve always found pleasure from a hearty ale and a small amount of gambling.  But woe to me, as upon calling to the bar maid I was greeted by a swine of a human being.”

Blue Circle Man Wearing a Black Turban: “Tell us, was it a bear of a man?  Grizzly and unkept in nature?  That is Pots, the owner of the establishment.”

Red Circle Man: “To my regret no.  Although I do recall seeing the gentleman you are describing, the individual I am speaking of was a woman and would have benefited from such a description as the one you have giving.”

As more heads have now turned to listen to the visitor’s story, the tavern foreigner gains an air of confidence in himself and his tale, being the focus of attention to most patrons. 

Red Circle Man: “My friend, what I tell you next is but a nightmare to say the least.  The woman turned and asked what I’d be having, and I surely shrieked aloud in her face. The sight of such a ghastly individual I’ve yet to encounter in all my journeys.  Her eyes were but remanences of a dark endless well.  Her nose and mouth looked as if to had been flattened by a forty-ton ship. And her hair!  My, my, that unkept, greasy heap of string would have made even Medusa look as though she were but a spring of beauty to be had.”   

Blue Circle White Turban Man Holding the Hookah Handle: “Pray, do tell me, what did you say the color of her hair was?”

Red Circle Man: “Ah yes!  I do understand that you too want to make sure you never have to see such a hideous sight as I.  Why, it was red. As the fires of the devil himself.”

There is a slight pause as the visitor laughs aloud not sensing the awkward silence that has befell the room, accompanied by stares of shock and concern. 

Blue Circle White Turban Man Holding the Hookah Handle: “I beg your pardon ‘friend’ but that would be my wife you are describing.”

This is where the painting displayed above picks up the story.  The stranger is now turning to address the angry gentleman and his friends, while onlookers wait to see how the situation resolves.  You may be wondering how I came to know the story from a single capture of time in ink?  Well, there are several other facial expressions and clues that confirm the truth behind my prediction.  Let me explain.  There are two other expressions that can be disseminated from the painting that help provide evidence to the accusation that the visitor has insulted the hookah smoking gentleman. These expressions are symbolized through worry (yellow) and joy (green).

Smokers in a Turkish Coffee House Pic 3

As we see in the snapshot above, the gentleman identified by the yellow circle is likely the proprietor of the coffee house.  Although he has been tending to guest and working hard to meet their demands, he has also monitored the conversation taking place (eavesdropping).  As soon as the gentleman in the white turban, who is smoking the hookah, announces to the visitor (man with the red circle) that he is aggressively insulting his wife, the owner turns his attention to the gentleman displaying a look of panic and concern.  What possibly could the proprietor be thinking?  Maybe, “Oh no, please don’t fight”or “I hope this resolves better than last time”or “Ouch, Gustav will not be easy to calm after those comments.”  No matter the circumstance, his job from this point on will be to keep the shop calm, ensuring a scuffle does not occur disrupting the relaxing smoking pleasure of other guests.

Smokers in a Turkish Coffee House Pic 4

Now, there is not all doom and gloom to come from the story.  Last, and certainly not least, we see the green circle individuals, most of whom are young children/youth.  Keen observers will note their expressions to be happy and almost playful in a manner. Why, we may ask?  When reflecting back to my own childhood and youth, if I were to be a spectator of such a scene, through my immaturity and youthfulness, I too most certainly would have found the scenario to be funny.  In all honesty, the male child standing next to the visitor is probably an employee of the smoke/coffee shop who is looked down upon and mistreated on a regular basis from the clientele.  For him to experience such a scene would certainly make his day better.

Further, I assume the two young girls in the lower right corner of the painting are the daughters of one or two of the patrons.  As they mindlessly wait in boredom for their father(s) to enjoy smoke and small talk with other men in the shop, they become very amused with the insults being disclosed by the visitor.  For them, this is drama at its best.

In reality, I have no on earthly idea what the artist, Joseph Nash, was attempting to display in this work.  Although this is one of the stories my mind likes to tell, it may be nowhere near the original intention of the artist.  This is one of the beauties of art, especially historic paintings with people in them.  We get to create a story, therefore, allowing our mind to become a piece of the art. And there is no better way to do so than while smoking a treasured pipe with an exceptional tobacco.

Dr. Kyle Andrew Signature

A Pipe Smoker’s Inquiry

Happy Father’s Day

What does it mean to be a father?  Depending on which era or generation this question is posed, we would certainly find significant variations of responses.  I have always loved the image of a middle-aged male coming home from work, dressed in suit and tie, welcomed by a well-groomed house wife (typically adoring an apron of sorts), happy child, and obedient family pet.  All excited that the ‘man of the house’ has returned from a hard day’s work.

oldpipe Father's Day

As this story plays out in my mind, the husband is greeted at the door by his loving wife, who takes his gloves, hat, and overcoat, while handing him the afternoon paper for his reading prior to dinner being served.  The gracious husband and father returns his wife’s greeting with a quick smooch and confidently retreats to his most comfortable chair to enjoy an early afternoon pre-dinner pipe while reading today’s local newspaper.  After picking up his favorite, well-loved Dr. Grabow pipe, and loading a bowl of his favorite OTC blend (Granger or Sir Walter Raleigh) the father sits as his son approaches stating, “Here dad, let me light that for you.”  The father graciously allows his son to provide the first match charring light while inquiring as to what he learned in school that day.

Knowingly or not, this is one of the many crucial lessons the father is unintentionally teaching his son in the scenario above.  No, it’s not that smoking is bad and anyone who does it is a terrible and dirty individual who is sure to be damned to hell.  Actually, it is very much the opposite, in that conversation, reading, and relaxation are all good practices and very much necessary in order to live a successful, fulfilling life.

Pipe Smoking Dad

Home Sweet Home, by J.C. Leyendecker. Detail from The American Weekly – June 15, 1947 (retrieved from Eric Boehm’s Facebook account).

Obviously, the picture and scenario above represent a time from previous generations.  However, the conversation, bond, love, and respect for dad was evident with the outcome being a family that worked together and depended on one another in order to live a happy, successful life.

It could easily be argued that this interaction and loyalty have been overshadowed, and for the most part lost, due to our current fast paced, greedy, self-fulfilling society.  The now obstructed and overemphasized view of equality, rights, and free-speech have given way to the ‘new family’ where most of the values learned in the scenario above, have evaporated like ice in the dessert, or are no longer considered priorities at all due to political correctness (whatever the hell that is…).

For me, I am both blessed and grateful to have a loving family where we still value each other through conversation, relaxation, reading, and the enjoyment of various hobbies (such as board games).  It is well known by my amazing wife and kids how much I enjoy smoking a pipe and reading a multitude of literary genres.  Therefore, I must admit I was completely shocked when I was gifted a new pipe for Father’s Day this year.  Because of our interaction and frequent conversations with one another, my wife was very ‘in tune’ to a specific pipe brand/model I had been stalking lately.  To my surprise, and delight, my kiddos gifted me (at my wife’s discretion) a brand-new Stanwell Hans Christian Andersen pipe today.

Stanwell 1

Stanwell 2

I mean, wow, what an amazing gift!  This only confirms that I am blessed and appreciated by those around me who I value above anything else.  Further, this pipe now holds a special place in my collection and heart.  Even if it proves to be a terrible smoker, which I am betting it’s not, there is no way I would ever sell or trade this beautiful trinket.  In fact, I hope that one day after I’m long gone, one of my own sons will look back at the pipe and remember the joy and happiness it brought me on this Father’s Day. Although it’s not one of my own children lighting a match to provide my first charring light (as seen above), I hope my kids have been able to witness, both today and in the future, the many joys this pipe and others in my collection have brought me.  Further, the most valuable lesson to be had is that of making time for relaxation, conversation, and family.  By far, these are the keys to being successful in this overopinionated, fast-paced world.

To all the father’s reading this, I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Father’s Day.  May your day be filled with pipe smoke, food, family, and libations to celebrate your amazing role as dad.


Dr. Kyle Andrew Signature

A Pipe Smoker’s Inquiry

Reflecting on a Tragedy

As most pipe smokers would agree, the news of The McClelland Pipe Tobacco Company shutting its doors was both tragic and discomforting.  I specifically use the adjective tragic as McClelland had been in business for 40+ years.  The company was built on what most Americans describe as the ‘American Dream’.  Therefore, witnessing this 40 years of hard work and dedication from both Mike and Mary McNeil virtually crumble to pieces in a 60-day time period, is certainly as I described…tragic.  The pipe smoking community has certainly taken a negative turn because of this misfortune.  With one of the largest portfolios on the tobacco market, McClelland is now but a pastime that smokers from this time period will share with those entering the hobby 20 years from now.

McClelland Pipe Tobacco Logo

We could get into a rather deep discussion regarding the outlying factors for the company’s closure, and yes, it is concerning that such a ‘giant’ in this market melted down so quickly; however, I would prefer this piece focus on the other word I used to describe this downfall of Rome – discomforting.

What does it really mean when something or someone is discomforting?  According to the Oxford Universal Dictionary (1955) discomfort is, “to make uncomfortable or uneasy” (p. 520). To most people this does not sound appealing or pleasant in the least, but maybe it is exactly what the pipe smoking community needed [que audience gasp].  Like many others across the globe, McClelland was one of my favorite brands of tobacco.  I could have easily rushed out upon the announcement and speculation of the company closing and purchased up every available tin of McClelland tobacco to be found.  Believe me, there were several individuals who participated in such nonsensical behavior.  Instead, I chose to catalog what tins I had remaining in my cellar and establish an informal schedule of how to smoke the McClelland tobacco I have remaining in order to enjoy these tobaccos for years to come.  So, what did this endeavor teach me?  Well, I have taken this opportunity of discomfort and used it to learn, grow, and expand my pursuit of other pipe tobacco blends.  In fact, I am now somewhat thankful for the tragedy.  Let me explain.

Man Smoking A Pipe Picture

I am very much a creature of habit.  When I find something I like, I tend to stick with it and am hesitant to make any type of change or adjustment.   Because of my love for McClelland tobaccos, in the past when making a pipe tobacco order, I typically would order those tobaccos (McClelland blends) I knew would provide me with the enjoyment and comfort I seek in pipe smoking.  The closing of McClelland, and disappearance of their products from the market at reasonable prices, has forced me to change this habit and further restart my exploration for new tobacco blends currently available.  When exploring what change means, I am reminded of Marris’s (1975) point that all types of change involve loss, anxiety, struggle or a combination of the three. My discomfort, experienced from circumstances in which I have no control, has forced me to change my behavior, and I must admit, for the better.

Some of the blends I have explored in lieu of this tragedy are proving to be absolutely outstanding tobaccos, providing me with even more enjoyable smoking experiences than I have had in the past.  The following blends are some of those I have recently explored and am currently enjoying.

Boswell’s Titus

Screen Shot 2018-03-18 at 10.46.15 PM

I would describe this as a mild, light English blend.  Easily enjoyable all day, this blend offers the smoker a creamy, naturally sweet experience.  The tobacco burns well and does not overpower the palate.  For me, this is an excellent tobacco to start the day with.  Not too powerful, but still a tasty treat.


G.L. Pease Westminster

Screen Shot 2018-03-18 at 10.47.26 PM

Where have you been all my life!?  Westminster is certainly a hidden gem.  With medium smoky notes that lead to a musty book (well-aged tobacco) room note.  The tastes hint at a figgy/raisin characteristic with further notes of rich molasses and sweet cedar.  This well-crafted English blend has quickly made an appearance in my regular rotation.


Sutliff’s Blend No. 5

Screen Shot 2018-03-18 at 10.48.08 PM

Yes, I was hesitant to pull the trigger on this blend as I typically associate Sutliff with lower end aromatic tobaccos.  I stand corrected.  Blend No. 5 offers the smoker a smooth and simplistic smoking experience.  There is a nice initial spice to the tobacco that quickly melts into a solid earthy, nutty taste.  The blend is mild to medium bodied and can be enjoyed at any hour of the day.


Cornell & Diehl Star of the East Flake 

Screen Shot 2018-03-18 at 10.49.01 PM

I had read several places online that this blend was a great substitute for the ever so difficult to obtain Esoterica Penzance.  Let me be the first to say it is not.  In my opinion this tobacco is even better than Penzance (and believe me, I have smoked my fair share of Penzance).  With aroma notes of musty, old book, and smoky campfire remains, the blend is very complex. Its tasting profile offers the smoker notes of sweet and sour earth, leather, spice, and wood.  This blend is certainly in the full-bodied range and carries a noticeable nicotine punch if not respected by the smoker’s cadence.  Very well crafted and highly recommended.


In the end, I am indeed saddened by the loss of a great tobacco company.  However, to think I would have never expanded my search to find these amazing blends because of my loyal dedication to one specific company, and a few specific blends, is almost more concerning than the quickness in which McClelland left the market.  Overall, I encourage my fellow pipe smoking friends to not be scared, upset, or anxious at the current discomforts we are experiencing, rather, embrace them as an opportunity to change and grow.  An opportunity for us to explore other fabulous pipe tobacco offerings.  After all, sometimes it takes discomfort in order for change to occur.  And most of the time, it is for the better.

Dr. Kyle Andrew Signature

A Pipe Smoker’s Inquiry

A Few of My Favorite Things – 2017 Edition  

Favorite Things opening Pic

As we approach the finale of 2017, it makes sense to take time and reflect back on the things that brought us both joy and happiness over the course of 2017.  Although it may be easy to allow the negative, less than desirable, events to creep into our memories, I would rather reflect back on the things that helped ease the way through 2017.  There truly is no method to this madness, rather, just a list of things that I have enjoyed over the past 365 days.  I hope you enjoy this catalog of favorites and if you haven’t experienced the items discussed below, give them a try.  You never know how they may influence and even support you through 2018.

Favorite Beer of 2017

MadTree Lift

Madtree Lift Beer Can pic

I was introduced to this beer at a small Cincinnati, Ohio bar in July of this past year.  A group of friends and myself attended the Incubus 8 concert and decided to pre-game at a local hang out.  With the heat of summer in its prime, I was craving a pilsner/kolsch style beer.  The bartender inquired if I had ever tried MadTree Lift.  I replied no, and he smiled, left, and returned with what I classify as a piece of heaven on Earth.  From that moment on MadTree Lift has been my go to beer of choice.  Creamy and crisp with innocent hop notes and tastes of citrus and wheat, Lift is truly a choice you won’t regret.

Favorite Bourbon of 2017

Knob Creek Single Barrel Small Batch Reserve

Knob Creek Single Barrel Small Batch Reserve Pic

Being a native Kentuckian, bourbon runs in my veins and has simply become an everyday part of life.  It truly is second nature to most of my family, friends, and acquaintances.  Similar to cigars, I am always on the hunt for that perfect bourbon.  This year there were several contenders for top bourbon, however, in the end Knob Creek Single Barrel Small Batch Reserve came out the winner. With a nose showing notes of vanilla, caramel, brown sugar, and candy the smell alone is worth the $40 price tag.  Tastes are rich and sweet, mimicking the profile found on the nose with an added maple syrup characteristic.  Tasters will easily note the 120 proof, however, the bourbon is well balanced and the heat of the alcohol is in no way overpowering.  If available in your area pick up a bottle of Knob Creek Single Barrel Small Batch Reserve and enjoy with your favorite cigar or pipe tobacco.

Favorite Wine of 2017

Au Bon Climat 2015 Pinot Noir

Au Bon Climate 2015 Pic

No, not all of my favorite things in 2017 were alcohol related, but I figured I would let the best go first.  Aside from beer and bourbon I highly enjoy wine.  Without a doubt, I am the furthest thing from being a master sommelier, however, I do enjoy tasting and pairing wines and typically try 15 – 20 new wines every year.  The front runner this year was the Au Bon Climat 2015 Pinot Noir.  Being produced in the Santa Maria Valley of California, this wine is bold and vibrant displaying a smooth balanced taste of plum, sweet berries, chocolate and earth.  At $25 a bottle this wine is worth a try by those who can appreciate a quality handmade adult beverage.

Favorite Board Game of 2017

Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition

D&D 5e Player's Handbook Pic

Yes, it may seem extremely nerdy to play board games, further, admit that my favorite of the year was Dungeons and Dragons 5e.  However, this game system is truly a ton of fun if you enjoy adventure and role playing.  I actually started playing D&D back in high school under the 3.5 system but my real-life adventure to college meant my D&D days were put on hold.  Fast forward 15 years, 3 degrees, 4 children, 1 spouse, and a mortgage later, and we have my restart into Dungeons and Dragons with the most recent 5th edition rules.  I currently DM for two different groups, that convene once a month to play, and have been doing so since December 2016.  Cheers to friends, fun, games, and lots of laughs with a little D&D 5e!

Favorite Book of 2017

Finders Keepers by: Stephen King

Finders Keeps Cover Pic

I’m a sucker for a good fiction novel, the only problem is finding one that doesn’t a.) turn into a sappy soap opera love story, b.) have a predictable outcome, and c.) lose momentum during the story.  Finders Keepers certainly avoids all three of these issues while maintaining a constant crescendo of suspense and surprise.  I am not a huge Stephen King fan but must admit that he created a brilliant piece of work in Finders Keepers.  This novel is the second in the Mr. Mercedes collection, however, having not read the first or last books in the series, I was still able to completely understand the story while relating to each character’s background.  Be warned, if you dare to give this book a read, clear your schedule because you won’t want to put it down.

Favorite Music Album of 2017

Chris Thile & Brad Mehldau (2017)

Chris T and Brad M Album Picture

I was first introduced to this album through the Pipes Magazine Radio Show as Brian Levine showcased the duo during the weekly music segment.  With my roots being grounded in bluegrass music, and jazz holding a close place to my heart, this album proved to be an absolute perfect balance of each musical genre.  Both Chris and Brad have work together flawlessly to create a musical masterpiece that reflects a rich bluegrass heritage while interweaving unpredictable jazz functionality.  This album is sure to keep your ears busy while helping your mind relax.

Favorite TV Show of 2017

Game of Thrones Season 7

Game of Thrones Season 7 Pic

Let’s be honest, if you haven’t been participating in the Game of Thrones rave, you are truly missing out.  From the beginning the show has been action packed, gruesome, and unpredictable.  With season seven premiering this past year, many Game of Thrones junkies, like myself, are preparing ourselves for the final season which is set to debut in 2019.  I must admit, however, that this past season (seven) has been my least favorite thus far.  Although still a damn great show, those who have followed the show religiously can easily note that the original creator and author of the book series, George R. R. Martin, has stopped writing the show episodes.  Martin was famously known for his impulsive demise of characters and sudden plot twist, which is one of the many reasons the show is enjoyable to watch.  This past season presented ample opportunities for major characters to meet their end, but they didn’t.  Is it because the viewership has grown too fond of the main appeals, I don’t know, but I hope the eighth and final season brings back the capricious suspense that hooked so many people to the show in the first place.  Winter is coming, I hope you are ready!

Well that does it.  Thank you for taking the time to read through a few of my favorite things this past year.  I hope you have enjoyed my list and feel free to post a comment sharing some of your thoughts or favorites from 2017.  Stay tuned as I will be posting both my Top 5 Pipe Tobaccos and Top 5 Cigars of 2017 in the coming weeks.  As always, be well and cheers!

Dr. Kyle Andrew Signature

A Pipe Smoker’s Inquiry

My Tobacco Cellar: How much is too much?

I started my pipe smoking journey in 2012, thus some may consider me still ‘green’ when it comes to the topic of pipes and pipe tobacco.  However, I have always lived under the mantra that experience isn’t built in the number of years you do something, rather, the number of things you do in those years.  I have met some pipe smokers who have only owned 3 pipes their entire life and have puffed on the same Over the Counter (OTC) blend for 50 years.  This isn’t a bad thing, but does it make them more of a tobacco and pipe smoking expert than the individual who has only smoked a pipe for 5 years, has a 100 + pipe collection, and smokes just about every blend the market has produced.  No.  In fact, they both have an expertise and background that would be helpful to anyone looking to get into the pipe smoking hobby.  I only bring this up because there are indeed individuals on the greater world wide web who would argue otherwise.  If you are one of those individuals please understand….I don’t care what you think.  Anyone who actually knows my background would note that I started smoking a pipe in 2012 but was a cigar smoker long before I ever picked up a pipe.  In fact, I started smoking premium hand rolled cigars in 2006 while still pursing my undergraduate degree in college.  Without a doubt, this was my gateway into pipe smoking and remains a beloved enjoyment of mine.

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So now comes the big question.  How much is too much?  As a hobby, is there ever a true finite beginning and end?  Furthermore, what qualifies someone as owning too much tobacco?  Maybe there isn’t such a thing, however, I am probably close to owning more than I will smoke in my lifetime.  This reality doesn’t upset me.  In fact, I find it enjoyable that I have so many options to choose from when smoking a pipe.  I like to think of it as similar to dinning out.  I don’t know anyone that likes to have the same meal, from the same restaurant, over and over again.  I would be willing to bet that as time goes on, that meal and venue begin to lose their appeal and wanderlust.  Instead, I prefer not just options, but a buffet of choices when it comes to food and tobacco.

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If we dig even further into this analogy we could argue that not only are there several buffets to choose from but different options within each of these establishments.  I attribute my excessively large tobacco cellar to my ever changing and somewhat indecisive personality.  I have always liked options, and although it’s healthy to establish a routine, this is a place in my life where exploration is always welcome.  As stated earlier, I don’t claim to be some tobacco aficionado or expert, but I do value exploration and options, hence why I own so many blends.  Therefore, in my opinion, no, there is never an ending to our hobby or a point where you can own too much tobacco.

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With the constant overreach of federal governments, and frivolous anti-smoking laws, I suggest more people work to stock up your cellars and prepare for the worst.  No, not Armageddon, but when the day comes where we as pipe smokers and tobacco enthusiasts can no longer purchase our beloved leaf, I am confident my own collect will cover my needs until my days on Earth are complete.  So, if you chose to not stock up, sucks for you!  However, you’re always welcome to come share some of my stock.  I don’t think I’ll be running out anytime soon.

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For more pictures and details of my tobacco collection/cellar, visit my YouTube channel at:



Dr. Kyle Andrew Signature